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College Students

Integration options

We get along well with others

Your CRM system is simply better when it can consume data from a variety of different sources. Perhaps the most important data source will be your Student Information System (SIS), but there are also a variety of other potential sources of information that can help your recruitment and admissions teams. 

The Azorus CRM platform provides a variety of different integrations that help to increase efficiencies and maximise your return, while also ensuring the student experience is the best it can be.




Unibuddy - With our Unibuddy integration you can automatically add leads directly from Unibuddy or update your existing leads with Unibuddy information. Find out when students are chatting, what concerns them, and how engaged they are to build profiles and trigger next step communications.

With your Unibuddy solution you can take bookings for your online Unibuddy events and then deliver your students to them via Azorus. Azorus can mark attendance for your Unibuddy events giving you a complete overview of who is attending your online events and what they are interested in.

Our Unibuddy integration comes with powerful data translation tools to convert Unibuddy values to match your CRM values - as well as customisations such as automatically booking open days from their Unibuddy signup.






Keystone - Automatically receive the leads from over 450 lead generation websites managed by Keystone such as or Leads are automatically consumed by our CRM, triggering personalised email communication plans to engage these students, answer their initial questions and then guide them towards the appropriate next step.








Meet&Engage - If your institution uses Meet&Engage, with our integration package you can use powerful SSO links to bring students straight into the M&E sessions they want, or to see what other online events are planned. The integration allows you to import the chat conversations students have taken part in, including when they attended and what their level of engagement has been over time. These metrics become important to trigger further personalised invitations or next step instructions, depending on where the student is in the recruitment cycle.







SpotMe - Take bookings for your online SpotMe experiences and events and let Azorus create their SpotMe accounts via the SpotMe API. With our integration we are able to collect the student’s personalised URL for each event and store that information against their booking, so when it's time for the actual event to go live, we can automatically deliver the student to the event and also mark their attendance in the CRM system. 

This integration keeps your systems in sync, but also allows you to leverage Azorus' powerful, personalised, and dynamic event reminders to boost participation and attendance at your SpotMe experiences.






Chatify - Automatically bring in new leads and updates for your existing leads from Chatify on your website. Find out when students are chatting, what concerns them, and how engaged they are to build profiles and trigger next step communications.




SIS Integrations

Managing the student journey to enrolment is best achieved when your SIS effectively integrates with your CRM for Student Recruitment. The Azorus CRM conversion platform is purpose-built with the ability to integrate with any number of external systems based on structured data exchange. For universities in the United Kingdom, we have an out-of-the-box API connector that integrates seamlessly with Tribal Group’s SITS student record system. Our integration capabilities also extend to other common SIS systems. For Universities in Sweden, we have an API connector to the Swedish Application Service, NyA ( This allows Swedish universities to enhance the experience for both prospective students and applicants on their journey to enrolment.


As a standard offering, our platform allows clients themselves to configure their own imports, updating both standard and customer-defined data fields. We also offer custom integrations, which allow for more elaborate communication with any system.




SITS:Vision Integration

If you are a university that has SITS from Tribal Group as your Student Record System, then we have a powerful and easy to use integration package. 




Azorus provides an HTTPS web service which receives requests from SITS StuTalk containing an XML payload. Requests are processed in real-time, and the HTTP response code is meaningful, indicating the nature of the operation performed. The response body provides full details, including which Azorus and SITS identifiers were affected. The Azorus Admin UI also provides a historical request log, with full visibility into data received from SITS. This gives a full audit trail for all data received.


The integration for SITS: Vision into the Azorus CRM product is via three component parts:


1) Azorus Core Connector

All reference data noted in this section are stored as List type fields in Azorus. This means that viewing and manipulating such data is done through drop-down list boxes, as opposed to storing them as text fields which would require an administrator to know the code (key) associated with each value. As such, administrative functions such as creating Filters or Reports are a simple matter of selecting the appropriate value.


2) Azorus Enquiry Connector

Azorus can be configured to only send, receive, or both send and receive Enquirer Student Details (ESD) data to and from SITS. This depends on the needs of the institution.


3) Azorus Application Connector

This optional custom functionality is focused on the ability to transfer Student (STU) and Application (CAP) data into Azorus. This data can then be used, for example, to drive E-mail communications plans or deliver relevant content such as application status within the Azorus Portal.


What are the benefits?

When integrated with the co-developed template, SITS:Vision and Azorus are setup for two-way data exchange using STU Talk. The data exchange is controlled by the STU Talk Monitor, which can be set to exchange data every minute, every hour, every day, every week or whatever you choose. Every data exchange is logged and can be viewed in detail within Azorus at any time.




How often is data transferred? SITS to Azorus transfer is dependant on how frequently the StuTalk monitors are run on the SITS side. We have found that a relatively short interval such as 1-5 minutes works well in practice and allows for a near-real-time synchronisation of data. Azorus runs a persistent process that checks for data to send to SITS every 5 seconds by default. All queued requests will be sent serially in the order that they arrived in the queue.


What is the primary identifier used for data from SITS? Azorus uses the SITS Master (MST) Code to identify both enquirers and applicants.


What is the typical process to get up and running? 

  • Azorus requires the URL and authentication credentials for communicating with SITS, and also to configure credentials that SITS will use to communicate with Azorus

  • Azorus will collaborate with the institution to examine default data mappings and make any adjustments or additional mappings as required

  • testing of data exchange between an Azorus-provided test environment and an equivalent SITS environment

  • propagation of configuration to the production environment

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